I’ve had canker sores for as long as I can remember. For 35 years, I pushed through the pain, but four years ago, my suffering ended. Here’s how to treat canker sores effectively.
Continue readingHow to treat long covid
I’ve had long covid for 15 months now. It sucks, and for the first time in my life, I feel weak. Below, I’ll explain:
1. Who I was before covid
2. How covid has impacted me
3. How to treat long covid
I hope this post will help others who are in a similar situation.
Continue reading
Finding pleasure in simplicity – Corona takeaways
It’s nine o’clock in the morning. A loud gong chime reverbs back and forth in the lush green valley, one hour outside Madurai in Tamil Nadu, India. The long-anticipated sound gives me relief. At last, I can succumb to the screaming pain in my knees and raise up. For the last hour, I have been sitting completely still, in a cross-legged position, only focusing on sensations in my body. Now, it’s time for a fifteen minutes break before the next two-hour meditation session starts.

New Video Course – Design Your Life: How to Design and Live Your Dream Life
We are excited to announce that we just released our new video course on Udemy.com: Design Your Life: How to Design and Live Your Dream Life.
What do you want to experience in life?
Thinking about what you want to experience in life is important but not easy. The concept of feel, be and do good has been very helpful for us to structure our own thinking about this question. But, where does this concept come from? What is the logic behind it?
How to Find Your Doing-Good Idea
I dream of a world where people everywhere are solving problems to the benefit of all life – a world where humans are Doing Good.
Reality today is different – nearly all of us are wasting away at the office, selling sugar water, lobbying for big oil companies or giving legal advice. Yuck.
Why aren’t there more Elon Musks out there?
Because to Do Good, you need an idea you’re passionate about. Here’s how to find one.
The Wisdom of the Old Seadog – Part 2 – How to Define and Live Your Life Purpose
The ultimate gift you can give to yourself is a Life Purpose and means to pursue it. But how do you do it?
Learn: The Wisdom of the Old Seadog – Part 2 – How to Define and Live Your Life Purpose
The Wisdom of the Old Seadog – Part 1 – Why Define and Live Your Life Purpose
To live a great life you need to feel good, be good to others and do good in the world. But to do good in the world you need to know exactly what your contribution should be. You need to know, what we call, your Life Purpose.
Learn: The Wisdom of the Old Seadog – Part 1 – Why Define and Live Your Life Purpose
The Missing Ingredient Elon Musk Discovered – Part III – How to Communicate and Live the Significant Purpose
Creating a great Significant Purpose is just the beginning. Now you need to make sure everyone in your organisations lives it.
The Missing Ingredient Elon Musk Discovered – Part II – How to Create a Great Significant Purpose
Now that we understand what the missing ingredient is (See Part 1), how can you replicate it in your organisation?
The Missing Ingredient Elon Musk Discovered – Part I
Zip2, PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity, Hyperloop – the list goes on. Is Elon Musk born a genius or could it be that he’s discovered something others haven’t?
How To Stop The Obesity And Diabetes Epidemic
From January, I started working with Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt and the DietDoctor team.
We want to stop the obesity and diabetes epidemic and we think we know how to do it.
Crazy? Absolutely not.
How to learn
In this post I share the “Learning Through Excitement” method and reveal the secret step to
reduce learning time from years to months. It’s time to rethink learning.
Travelling the world while researching
A while back I decided to travel the world again while researching various topics. To focus my attention on learning I had to stop doing the things that weren’t essential. Therefore, I’ve stopped blogging for a while, quit my management consultancy job, and put my various not-for-profit activities on hold.
Philosophy, behaviour and results
I’m currently researching and thinking about philosophy, human behaviour and how to create individual and organisational results. I love it.
The reason I like to travel while researching is that travelling provides me with lots of new sensory input. I feel this input allows me to understand things at a more fundamental level than if I was to stay home in Norway and it sparks my creativity. Additionally, I meet a lot of exciting people, learn about how different people live their lives, and get to make a large number of new, memorable memories.
My wife Kristina and I travel together. So far our travels has brought us to Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Congo, Belgium, Malaysia (Borneo), Brunei, Taiwan, Japan, South-Korea, China, North-Korea and the Philippines. There’s still at least seven months left of the trip, lots more research to do and places to visit! I can’t wait :-)
I hope things are going well with all of you out there and I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you when the time is right. I do enjoy reading your comments and emails and I hope you accept that my replies will take more time than usual.
Take care and regards from the Philippines!
Do like Tesla boss Elon Musk: Ask for feedback
Feedback is necessary for increased self-understanding and growth.
Take a leaf out of Elon Musk’s book and ask for some honest input from people you trust…
if you’re not too scared that is.