What happens when you eat a terrible diet? Check out the Chinese…


Yesterday, the Journal of the American Medical Association released some shocking news:

114 million Chinese now have diabetes.

What the hell is happening in China?

The Chinese are moving away from their traditional diets and towards terrible “food”

The economic growth in China has been enormous over the last 20 years.

While it’s great that more and more Chinese are moving out of poverty, what’s consequently happening to their health is horrible.

The Chinese are getting fatter, fatter and fatter and sicker, sicker and sicker.


In my opinion, the change in Chinese eating habits over the last 20 years is the main reason.

Did you know that the Chinese are moving away from their traditional diet at record speeds?

Well, they are and they’re making a grave mistake in doing so.

Replacing traditional foods with processed, high-carbohydrate fast-food is a guaranteed recipe for obesity, diabetes and terrible health in general.

What can the Chinese do about this?

Carry out the two-week eating experiment

I want to encourage Chinese readers of this blog and all of you out there who has Chinese friends to do the following:

  1. Go to RethinkingTruth’s two-week eating experiment.
  2. Carry out the two-week eating experiment for yourself and notice how your mind, body and weight changes
  3. Spread the message of your success to your family & friends. Teach them what to eat and encourage them to carry out the two-week eating experiment themselves.
  4. Continue to eat well, enjoy the significant benefits and become a role model for others

Doing the above will not only improve your own life, health and performance but you’ll make a difference for other people as well.

The 116 million Chinese diabetics don’t want to be sick.

Neither do they want to be fat.

What they need is knowledge and a little support, so:

Let’s give them a hand!


I’ve borrowed the picture above. Thank you.

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