Success doesn’t lead to happiness, but being happy improves performance

Ted shawn“If I work harder, then I’ll be successful. When I’m successful, then I’ll be happy.”

This formula for happiness is broken and backwards according to Shawn Achor, the winner of over a dozen distinguished teaching awards at Harvard University.

Check out his excellent 12 minute TED-talk.

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The hidden secret of outstanding performance: Learn how to think













What separates the Albert Einsteins of this world from the rest of us? Are they simply born great or does something else explain their exceptional performance?

Read on to discover the art of thinking and how you can learn this essential life-skill.

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What I eat: A healthy, delicious and easy-to-make breakfast


Do you ever think “I don’t have the time nor energy to read and understand all the details about diet. Can’t somebody just tell me what to eat?”

I hear this message all the time.

It’s time for me to tell you about the healthy and delicious stuff I eat for breakfast.

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Nobody ever told you but I will: Your view of success is dead wrong!










Do you want to become successful? Do you spend your time trying to succeed in the world? Then look at people like Mel Gibson, Rihanna and Donald Trump. They have worked hard. They have lots of cash. And they are widely recognized.

They are crystal clear examples of success, right?

I couldn’t disagree more. In fact, I don’t see why these guys are any more successful than you or me.

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